

D Honnery

4 points · 24 lecture hours and 24 tutorial/laboratory hours · First semester · Caulfield · Prerequisites: TEC2972, TEC2901 · Corequisite: TEC2305

Objectives Students are expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of lift and drag and an ability to analyse the factors that influence them.

Synopsis Topics covered are the production of lift and drag from aerofoils. In particular, the lift component will deal with wing geometry and aerofoil families; introduction to aerofoil theory, including elementary potential flow theory leading to thin aerofoil and finite wing lifting characteristics. As an introduction to aerodynamic drag, boundary layer theory will be introduced using both the von Karman approximation and the Blasius solution. Topics covered in the drag component will include skin friction drag, form drag and induced drag; drag reduction strategies will also be examined. The effect of compressibility on lift and drag will be included as a final topic in this section of the subject. The subject will also cover the basics of rotodynamic and space flight.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments and laboratory reports: 30%

Recommended texts

McCormick B Aerodynamics, aeronautics and flight mechanics Wiley, 1994

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