
Metallurgical engineering

5 points · 26 lectures and 26 tutorial and laboratory hours · Clayton · Prerequisites: MTE3502, MTE3506

Objectives To expand the student's knowledge of the fundamentals of some metallurgical technologies and of failure analysis and prevention; to obtain an introduction to the practice of these technologies, their application to production and their relationship to design.

Synopsis Solidification processing, (especially foundry technology and design of castings), welding and design of weldments, powder metallurgy (production and characterisation of powder, design and manufacture, densification, processing methods). Failure analysis-diagnosis of modes and causes of failure, remedial action.

Recommended texts

Campbell J Castings Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991
Easterling K Introduction to the physical metallurgy of welding Butterworth, 1983
German R M Powder metallurgy science MPIF, 1994
Lancaster J F Metallurgy of welding, brazing and soldering 4th edn, 1963

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