
Plasticity and metal shaping

4 points · 2 lectures per week plus tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MTE2514 or MTE2504

Objectives To apply the concepts of stress analysis to time-independent deformation of solids, learning techniques which provide a basis for visualisation of deformation, for on-line control in industry and for advanced numerical analysis of metal working processes. To obtain an overview of the technology of the more important metal working processes and associated technology.

Synopsis Transformation of stress and strain, invariants; validity of yield criteria; flow rules; stress-strain relationships; slip-line fields and hodographs; upper bounds using discontinuous velocity fields.

Assessment Examination: 60% · Assignments: 30% · Laboratory work: 20%

Recommended texts

Backofen W A Deformation processing Addison-Wesley, 1972
Calladine C R Engineering plasticity Pergamon, 1969
Johnson W and Mellor P B Engineering plasticity Van Nostrand, 1982
Mendelson R Plasticity: Theory and applications Collier Macmillan, 1968
Rowe G W Principles of industrial metalworking processes 2nd edn, Arnold, 1977

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