
Mechanical properties of polymers

4 points · 2 lectures per week plus tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MTE2504

Objectives To develop a basic understanding of solid polymer mechanical behaviour. To impart the ability to perform simple calculations relating to polymer engineering applications and a sufficient understanding of polymer materials to communicate with other scientists and engineers.

Synopsis Temperature dependence of mechanical properties; single relaxation time model; structural approach to single relaxation time model; distribution of relaxation times; Boltzmann superposition; time-temperature superposition; vulcanisation and reinforcement of elastomers; theory of rubber elasticity; yielding; crazing; polymer toughening; mechanical properties of composites; strength, modulus and stiffness; rule of mixtures and orientation dependence; stress transfer between fibre and matrix; energy dissipation during fracture; laminate theory.

Recommended texts

Hull D An introduction to composite materials CUP, 1981
Jones R M Mechanics of composite materials McGraw-Hill, 1975
Mandelkern L An introduction to macromolecules Springer, 1972
Schultz J M Polymeric materials science Prentice-Hall, 1974
Treloar L R G Physics of rubber elasticity Clarendon, 1975
Ward I M Mechanical properties of solid polymers Wiley, 1983

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