
Computer-assisted engineering

K Hourigan

4 points · 22 lectures and 11 laboratory classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MEC2490

Objectives Students' previous exposure to computing has been largely concerned with programming. This course aims to demonstrate the application of computers as an engineering tool both in technical and management applications. The former of these aims to couple previously developed programming skills and existing software tools for the solution of more complex problems. The latter aims to draw attention to the limitations and risks in the use of computers, with particular reference to safety as well as issues such as fraud. The management of software development projects will be examined. At the end of the course it is expected that students will, through laboratory assignments and the examination of case studies, have an appreciation of the place of computers in professional engineering.
Synopsis Numerical methods, ordinary and partial differential equations, scientific and engineering software libraries. Software management, risks and safety.

Assessment Examination (formal written): 70% · Assignment: 30%


Press, Vetterling, Teukolsky and Flannery Numerical recipes in Pascal CUP

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