
Mathematical methods with applications II

J C Lattanzio

4 points · 26 lectures and 26 support/practice classes · Second semester · Clayton/Caulfield · Prerequisite: ENG1902 · Corequisite: ENG1603 · Prohibitions: MAT2901, MAT2920, MAT2930, MAC2912

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students will understand the key concepts for the solution of linear systems of equations, including eigenvalue problems, using both analytical and numerical methods; be able to solve simple nonlinear equations numerically; appreciate simple interpolation and curve-fitting techniques; be able to use a range of methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations, including the use of numerical methods.

Synopsis Linear algebra: solution of nxn linear systems, eigenvalue problems, ill-conditioning, iterative methods. Solution of nonlinear equations: bracketing and Newton methods; interpolation and least-squares curve fitting. Ordinary differential equations: revision of first-order and second-order constant coefficient DEs, initial and boundary-value problems, analytical and numerical approaches.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 80% · Tests and assignments: 20%

Prescribed texts

Kreyszig E Advanced engineering mathematics 7th edn, Wiley, 1993

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