
Fluid and pneumatic control

E Hu

4 points · 29 hrs lectures/tutorials, 10 hrs laboratory, 13 hrs supported self-study · First semester · Gippsland · Corequisite: GSE2703

Objectives The subject aims to develop in students an understanding of the fundamental principles of industrial hydraulics and pneumatics, and a practical working knowledge of the commonly encountered components for designing, installing and maintaining industrial and mobile hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

Synopsis Physical principles in hydraulics and pneumatics; valves, pumps and linear actuators; flow and pressure controls; fluid and pneumatic control elements; design and selection of fluid and pneumatic control systems.

Assessment Examination: 40% · Assignments and laboratory reports: 60%

Prescribed texts

Rohner P Industrial hydraulic control, 4th edn, Wiley, 1995
Reeves W W Technology of fluid power Delmar, 1997

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