
Engineering mathematical analysis

4 points · 13 lecture hours, 26 tutorial/laboratory hours, 13 hrs supported self-study; DE students equivalent: 104 hrs private study · First semester · Gippsland/Distance · Prerequisites: ENG1603, ENG1901, ENG1902

Objectives This subject aims to help students to understand and to apply mathematical techniques drawn from statistics, vectors, and integral transforms. The application areas have been identified from the senior years of the engineering majors. The aim is to equip students with the confidence and analytic tools to approach the solution of engineering problems in later subjects.

Synopsis Statistical analysis techniques (35%) focused upon the application of sampled distributions to engineering measurement (Gaussian) and maintenance (Weibull). Vectors and matrices (25%) centred upon the description of dynamic members (Eigen vectors). Integral transforms (40%) to support network analysis and control systems with topics from Laplace, Fourier and Z transforms. Problem solution is implemented by appropriate modern methods.

Assessment Theory examination (2 hours): 50% · Laboratory based assignments: 50% (these are work requirements)

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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