
Road engineering

P Walker

5 points · 26 lecture hours, 26 tutorial hours and 13 laboratory hours · Second semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisites: GEG2323, GEG2333

Objectives The candidate needs to demonstrate familiarity with the principles of geometric road design, an understanding of the testing, design and construction of road pavements and with methods of calculation of rainfall-runoff in road drainage.

Synopsis The organisation and sources of funding for Australian roads. The impact of the road transport sector on the national economy. Environmental aspects of road transport. Geometric design of roads, speed, sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment, cross-section elements. Urban road design, intersection detailing, urban road drainage. Design for pedestrians and cyclists. The application of computer methods to the road design process. Road making materials, quarrying procedures, specification of rock products. Pavement design and laboratory testing procedures. Pavement condition monitoring and pavement management systems.

Assessment Examination: 70% · Assignments and practical work: 30%

Prescribed texts

Underwood R Road engineering practice Macmillan, 1995

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