
Geology and geomechanics

D Nag

4 points · 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours and 13 tutorial hours · First semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisites: GEG1303, GEG1723, GAS1641, GAS1642

Objectives The student is expected to develop an awareness and understanding of soils and rock formations, rock structures and geological maps. The student is expected to develop an understanding of characteristics of soils and rock and their physical properties and behaviour under idealised stress-strain conditions.

Synopsis Basic geological concepts, recognition of common rocks and minerals and deduction of geological history, engineering geology, geological map interpretation, soil mechanics, nature of soil, classifications of soil and rock, effective stress, pore pressure, seepage, flownet, coefficient of permeability, stresses in soil mass, shear strength of soil.

Assessment Examinations: 70% · Assignments, class test and laboratory work: 30%

Prescribed texts

Blyth F G H and de Fraitas M H A Geology for engineers Arnold, 7th edn, 1986
Craig A F Soil mechanics 5th edn, Chapman and Hall, 1992
Das B M Principles of geotechnical engineering 3rd edn, PWS Engineering, 1994

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