
Communication protocol engineering

Offered subject to sufficient enrolment

3 points · 16 lectures and 9 laboratory hours · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ECS3343

Objectives The student should gain an understanding of the specification, modelling, analysis and verification of communication protocols and signalling systems and be able to apply techniques based on Petri nets and numerical Petri nets for the specification and verification of communication protocols using the computer-based tool PROTEAN.

Synopsis Protocols and signalling systems. Specification, verification and implementation techniques. Petri net based techniques for modelling and analysis. Reachability set analysis for verification and proof of properties using computer simulation models and tools.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% · Assignments: 30%

Prescribed texts

Symons F J W Lecture notes for ECS4346 Communication protocol engineering Dept Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash U, Mi-tec, 1998

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