
Computer communications

Lecturer to be advised

3 points · 26 lectures and 13 tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Corequisites: ECS3371

Objectives The student is expected to acquire an understanding of basic concepts and language of data communications; functioning, strengths and weaknesses of current technologies and likely future trends in the industry. The student is also expected to develop skills in layered analysis of communications systems and selection of appropriate solutions and to develop an appreciation of the importance of international standards.

Synopsis ITU-T recommendations; OSI reference model; V.28, V.11; information coding; line coding, G.703; asynchronous, synchronous, character and bit-oriented formats; link layer protocols; error detection and correction, Hamming distance, CRC; modulation techniques; modems; multiplexers; time-division multiplexing, G.704; circuit-switched ISDN networks; Telecom services; packet-switched networks, X.25; multiple-access networks: radio, ethernet, ring; ATM.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% · Written assignment: 30%

Prescribed texts

Halsall F Data communications, computer networks, and OSI 3rd edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992

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