
Signals and systems 1

Dr K K Pang

4 points · 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory/tutorial hours · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ENG1301, ENG1802, ENG1603 · Corequisites: ENG1803, MAT2901

Objectives The student is expected to acquire fundamental skills in circuit formulation, circuit analysis and computer-aided simulation in time-domain, Laplace transform domain, and in phasor representation.

Synopsis Lumped circuits and circuit components, including electrically and magnetically coupled elements. Time-domain response of first-order circuits and second-order circuits. Zero-input and zero-state responses; linear time-invariant properties. Sinusoidal steady-state response of circuits. Phasor diagrams, complex power and power factor. Network theorems; superposition, Thevenin-Norton, substitution and maximum-power-transfer. Laplace transform and its properties. Inverse Laplace transform by partial fraction expansion. Circuit analysis in s-domain. Network functions in s-domain. Pole-zero representation. Frequency characteristics by Bode plot.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Laboratory work: 20% Written assignment: 10%

Prescribed texts

Pang K K Introductory circuit theory Dept Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, MiTec 1998

Recommended texts

Nilsson J W and Riedel S A Electrical circuits 5th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1996
Tuinenga P W SPICE: A guide to circuit simulation and analysis using PSPICE (with IBM3.5" disks) 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1992

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