
Hydraulic engineering

R J Keller

5 points · 26 lectures, 13 tutorials and 12 laboratory classes · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CIV3261 or CVE3111

Objectives Knowledge and skills for the solution of unsteady flow problems in artificial and natural channels and pipes and design of complex hydraulic structures.

Synopsis Open channel flow, uniform channels, water surface profiles. Flow measurement; natural and artificial open channels, closed conduits. River routing; one and two dimensional flows. Hydraulic design; spillways, energy dissipators, culverts, pipe systems, water hammer and surge analysis. Sediment transport and river engineering. Computer methods in hydraulic engineering.

Assessment Examinations (3 hours): 70% · Practical work/Laboratory work/Fieldwork: 30%

Recommended texts

Douglas J and others Fluid mechanics Pitman, 1979
French R H Open channel hydraulics McGraw-Hill, 1986
Henderson F M Open channel flow Macmillan, 1966
Streeter V L and Wylie E B Fluid mechanics 7th edn, McGraw-Hill, 1979

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