
Issues in English literacy education

This subject is designed to examine major contemporary issues in relation to the theory and practice of English and literacy teaching P-12. It examines the concept of literacy and considers how understandings and definitions of the concept have evolved over time, why the term is so often associated with 'crisis' and how recent studies of literacy as a set of social practices provide important insights into the teaching and uses of literacy in different social contexts. The role of English as a subject in the school curriculum is considered, specifically, the reasons why English as a field of study is a continuing subject of debate, criticism and reformulation. Students will have the opportunity to consider different public curriculum formulations of English, recent approaches to language studies, including critical discourse analysis and their relevance for the English/literacy classroom. A detailed reading guide will be distributed at the commencement of the subject. Students will also be provided with access to a number of monographs and journal articles.

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