
Marketing communication

Mr Paul Gaskin

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Open Learning Australia · Prerequisites: MKX1120 and MKX2111

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to use a conceptual framework for the planning, integration and control of the communication process; determine the communication options for a brand; construct realistic communication objectives; set a budget; provide relevant input to a creative strategy; identify the need for evaluating communication effectiveness.

Synopsis The uses of advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and publicity to build and sustain brands, based on knowledge of how communication works, the institutions which participate in the process and the practical business processes necessary to achieve and measure defined promotional goals.

Assessment Team case study (two parts, each 1500-2000 words): 40% · Oral presentation: 10% · Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Rossiter J R and Percy L Advertising communications and promotion management 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, 1997

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