
Buyer behaviour

Mr Ian Walker

6 points · One 1.5-hour lecture and one 1.5-hour tutorial per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Peninsula · Singapore, Kuala Lumpur · Open Learning Australia · Distance (12 hours, second semester)· Prerequisite: MKX1120

Objectives The course will assist students in developing an understanding of buyer behaviour in both the organisational and consumer contexts. In order to develop buyer behaviour models, students will examine theories associated with the behavioural sciences including psychology, sociology, and economics. By the end of the semester students will possess a broad understanding of what drives a range of consumption decisions including product, service and professional service, and be in a position to make decisions appropriate to marketing strategy and research.
Synopsis Introduction to consumer and industrial buyer behaviour, the service purchase decision including professional service purchase behaviour and implications for practice development, the individual, personality, mood and memory attitudes, attitude change, culture, social influences, family influences, diffusion and adoption, decision processes, market segmentation, consumerism.

Assessment (on campus) Group assignment paper: 20% · Individual assignment: 30% (seminar report: 20%, seminar presentation: 10%) · Examination: 40% · Mini tests: 10%
Assessment (distance) Two individual assignments: 40% · One final examination (2 hours): 60%

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