
Management of organisational performance

Ms Mary Anderson

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial · Caulfield and Peninsula · Distance · Prerequisite: MGX1300 (on-campus), MGF1300 (distance)

Objectives On completion of this subject students should develop an understanding of present and evolving management practices and issues and their application to a competitive and rapidly changing business environment; understand the different ways of managing and organising work to encourage greater employee commitment, better teamwork and higher productivity.

Synopsis Continues directly on from MGX1300 and focuses on the process of management at the macro level of organisational analysis. Examines present and evolving management issues and their application to a competitive and rapidly changing environment; organisational effectiveness, ethics and social responsibility, organisational structure and design, leadership, operations management, team building, goals and plans, power and politics, organisational culture and change and innovation, managing large and small organisations and learning organisations.

Assessment (on-campus) Tutorial attendance and participation: 10% · One individual case study (2000 words): 30% · One group fieldwork project (3000 words): 20% · Examination (3 hours): 40%
Assessment (distance) Individual case study (2000 words): 30% · One group fieldwork project (3000 words) 20% · Tutorial attendance and participation: 10% · Final examination (3 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Daft R L Management 4th edn, Dryden, 1997

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