
Equity, diversity and participation

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · One 2-hour lecture per week and one 1-hour tutorial per week · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MGC1030 and any four second-year subjects from the program, or with the approval of the lecturer

Objectives On completion of this subject students will be familiar with the equity and participative dimensions of a range of issues which face managers; understand, and be able to critically appraise, the nature and comparative merits of equal opportunity and diversity management as approaches to workforce management; understand the different forms of employee participation and their implications for equity and efficiency; have gained critical insights into the work-family interface from a variety of perspectives.

Synopsis Typically employee participation and equity and diversity are treated as separate issues. This subject is premised on a recognition of the fact that equity and participation often present as different dimensions of the same issue. Accordingly, this subject explores the differences and similarities between these two concepts through a series of issues which confront managers and workers. These topics include work-family, managing diversity and equal employment opportunity, home based work, non standard employment, workplace bargaining, occupational health and safety, joint consultation and teams, and organisation change and the implications for employment equity. These issues are explored utilising literature from a variety of fields of management research including human resources management, industrial relations and organisational studies.

Assessment Written assignment (2500 words): 40% · Examination (3 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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