
Organisational change and development

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · First semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: MGB1303

Objectives The key objective of this subject is to provide students with knowledge of various interventions which utilise particular strategies, structures and processes to improve organisational effectiveness. Building on previous studies in management and organisational behaviour theory, the subject introduces students to the methods and effects of organisational change at individual and group and organisation levels of analysis.

Synopsis Part I of the subject begins by introducing students to the theory of organisation development (OD) and the role of the OD practitioner. Part II examines the process of planned change in organisations. Topics include diagnosing organisational situations and problems, collecting, analysing and feeding back diagnostic information, and selecting, implementing, and evaluating change interventions. Part III is concerned with OD practice and examines interventions at the individual, group, and organisation levels. Part IV concludes the subject by discussing future directions in OD.

Assessment Assignment 1 (2000 words): 15% · Assignment 2 (2500 words): 25% · Tutorial presentation: 10% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Cummings T and Worley C G Organisational development and change 6th edn, West, 1995

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