
Organisational behaviour

Mr Jeff Wrathall

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · Second semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: MGB1302

Objectives This subject aims to provide insights into the relevance of social science theory to current management issues and the contribution it can make to the understanding of behaviour in organisations. It aims also to foster skills in the identification and critical analysis of external information and case studies and to use these to support discussion and evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the further development of communication skills required in professional and business practice.

Synopsis Using case study approach as the basis of study the subject will consist of four parts, each containing four study guides. The content of the subject is as follows. Part A: Individual behaviour in the organisation, socialisation and reinforcement, perception, attitudes, values and personality, motivation and performance. Part B: Groups in the organisation, properties of groups, management of groups, leaders and leadership. Part C: Organisational structure, culture and change, structure and formal organisation, culture and informal organisation, organisational change. Part D: Organisational processes, power and influence, communication and conflict, decision making.

Assessment Written assignments: 50% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Robbins S P and others Organisational behaviour: Concepts, controversies and applications Prentice-Hall, 1994

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