JBL1020* (Faculty of Arts)

Business Japanese 2A

Ms Fu Mei Ling

6 points · 5 hours per week · First and second semester · Peninsula · Prerequisite: JBL1010 or equivalent

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to read and write plain messages in business situations; participate in polite conversations in business situations; interact with Japanese customers in a number of defined tourist industry settings.

Synopsis This subject, designed to continue on from JBL1010, develops basic communicative competence in spoken Japanese, introduces the Japanese writing system and focuses upon interaction in regular business situations within Japanese society.

Assessment Written: 60% · Listening comprehension (test): 10% · Performance activities: 15% · Assignments: 15%

Prescribed texts

Itani-Adanis Y and Utsumi Y Interacting with the Japanese: Reading and writing workbook 1 Japanese Studies Centre, 1995
Neustupny J V and others Interacting with the Japanese: A business communication course Japanese Studies Centre, 1995
Quackenbush H and others Katakana in 48 minutes Curriculum Development Centre, ACT

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