JBL1010* (Faculty of Arts)

Business Japanese 1A

Ms Fu Mei Ling

6 points · 5 hours per week · First and second semester · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have a foundation for continued study of both spoken and written Japanese; be familiar with the format of Japanese business cards and their role in Japanese business dealings; be able to introduce themselves and others in business and social situations; be able to participate in conversations suitable for a number of defined situations in the tourist industry.

Synopsis Basic communicative competence in spoken Japanese; an introduction to written Japanese; successful interaction in basic daily life and business situations in Japanese society.

Assessment Written: 60% · Listening comprehension test: 10% · Performance activities: 15% · Quizzes and assignments: 15%

Prescribed texts

Itani-Adanis Y and Utsumi Y Interacting with the Japanese: Reading and writing workbook 1 Japanese Studies Centre, 1995
Neustupny J V and others Interacting with the Japanese: A business communication course Japanese Studies Centre, 1995
Quackenbush H and others Katakana in 48 minutes Curriculum Development Centre, ACT, 1988

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