
Advanced banking law

Associate Professor Robin Edwards

6 points · 3 hours per week · First and second semester · Caulfield · Prerequisites: BTX1110 and BTX1151 or equivalents · Prohibition: BTF4001

Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand and have a sound knowledge of the banker and customer relationship; federal and state legislation impacting on financial institutions; the law relating to bank securities and negotiable instruments.

Synopsis Topics include legal background to Australian financial system; banker and customer; capacity and authority to borrow and grant security; lending on the security of land; lending on the security of goods; lending on the security of proceeds; invalidation of company securities.

Assessment Class exercise and paper: 30% · Assignment: 50% · Test: 20%

Prescribed texts

Sykes E and Walker S The law of securities LBC , latest edn
Weerasooria W S Banking law and the financial system in Australia Butterworths, latest edn

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