
Financial controllership

Mr Bill Richardson

6 points · 3 hours per week · First, second semester · Caulfield, Peninsula · Prerequisite: AFX1110 · Prohibition: Bachelor of Business (Accounting) students

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to understand the nature and role of costs in financial planning and decision making; prepare profit plans using cost-volume-profit analysis techniques; develop and analyse integrated master budgets from marketing and sales plans; use discounted cash flow techniques to evaluate strategic plans; understand the problems of managing working capital and liquidity; apply and interpret variances from standards used to control costs; understand the techniques used to evaluate divisional performance.

Synopsis Topics covered include cost classification, cost estimation, cost/volume/profit analysis, budgeting, capital budgeting, standards and variances, cost allocation, cost information and pricing decisions, decentralisation and transfer pricing, working capital management.

Assessment Tutorial: 10% · Assignment: 20% · Mid-semester test: 20% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Langfield-Smith K and others Managerial accounting: An Australian perspective McGraw-Hill, 1995

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