
Accounting for financial decision making

Mr Bryan Baker

6 points · 3 hours per week · First, second semester · Caulfield, Peninsula · Prerequisite: nil

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to define and discuss the major concepts in financial and management accounting; prepare profit and loss and balance sheet statements from given financial data; understand the information requirements for financial decision making by internal managers and external interest groups; read and interpret financial statements; analyse financial statements for profitability and risk; apply the accounting and present value models to investment situations; and demonstrate competence in business communication through oral and written assessment.

Synopsis The accounting profession; recording financial transactions; completing the accounting cycle; preparing financial statements; receivables, payables and depreciation; accounting for merchandisers; accounting for manufacturers; short term costs; CPV analysis; long term costs; DCF analysis; companies; formation and operation; companies; reporting, anlaysis and interpretation; accounting systems and computerisation.

Assessment Tutorial participation: 10% · Semester-based assignment: 15% · Examination (3 hours): 75%

Prescribed texts

Hoggett J and Edwards L Accounting in Australia 3rd edn, Wiley, 1996
Baker B Uto dance school Commodore, 1997

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