
Accounting systems and procedures

Mr John Rice

6 points · 3 hours per week · First, second semester · Caulfield, Peninsula · Prerequisite: AFX1110

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to prepare from given source material information necessary to prepare final reports for service and trading entities from both a manual and a computer based system; prepare profit and loss statements and balance sheets under the accrual concept of accounting for different forms of business organisations; explain in essay form and complete practical problems on accounting systems and procedures in accrual accounting.

Synopsis Developing an accounting framework for financial reporting through the process of collecting, analysing, classifying, presenting and interpreting financial information; developing financial reports for service and trading entities from both a manual and computer-based system.

Assessment Tutorial: 10% · Business assignments: 20% · Examination (3 hours): 70% · Students must obtain at least 50% of the marks allocated to the final examination.

Prescribed texts

Hoggett J and Edwards L Accounting in Australia 3rd edn, Jacaranda Wiley, 1996

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