
Advanced financial accounting

Mr Richard Hartshorn

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial · Distance, approximately 12 hours per week · First semester · Gippsland · Prerequisite:GBU2005/AFG2022

Objectives This is a third-year subject which builds on earlier studies of company accounting. It aims to provide students with understanding of the impact of corporate legislation on company re-organisation, liquidations and expansion. This will enable students to prepare financial statements using consolidation and equity accounting techniques. They will also be able to apply these techniques to the translation of financial statements expressed in foreign currency.

Synopsis Nature of corporation, internal and external reorganisation, liquidations (weeks 1-5), consolidations, equity accounting (weeks 6-11), hedging, foreign currency translation (weeks 12-13)

Assessment Assignments (problem solving): 30% · Examination (3 hours): 70%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Back to the 1999 Business and Economics Handbook