
Retail financial management

Mr Bill Richardson

6 points · Second semester · Distance · Prerequisite: AFF1110

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have gained an overview of the business environment and financial management, to allow them to undertake analyses of capital investment, including risk concepts and elements of financial decision making. Students will also be introduced to tools of financial analysis and control.

Synopsis Overview of business environment and financial management. Capital investment analysis - time value of money; techniques for capital investment analysis and introduction to risk concepts. Financial decisions - sources of finance, leverage and capital structure. Management of working capital. Tools of financial analysis and control - financial statement analysis; funds analysis and financial forecasting and budgeting and performance measurement.

Assessment Assignment: 40% · Examination: 60%

Prescribed texts

Garrison R and Norren E Managerial accounting: Concepts for planning, controlling, decision making 8th edn, Irwin, 1997

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