
Accounting for financial decision making

Mr Bryan Baker

6 points · First semester · Distance · Prerequisites: nil

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to define and discuss the major concepts in financial and management accounting; prepare profit and loss and balance sheet statements from given source material; understand the information requirements for financial decision making by internal managers and external interest groups; read and interpret financial statements; analyse financial statements for profitability and risk; apply the accounting and present value models to investment situations; and demonstrate competence in business communication through oral and written assessment.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of accounting and an understanding of its roles in providing information for financial decision making.

Assessment Three tasks: 15% · Assignment: 15% · Examination (3 hours): 70% · To obtain a pass in this subject students must obtain 50% of the marks allocated on the final examination and 15 of the 30 marks allocated to the tasks and assignment.

Prescribed texts

Textbook and study guide to be announced. Students are expected to check with the subject coordinator from a month before semester commences.

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