
Program planning, implementation and evaluation

Doug Truter

8 points - One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisite: WEL1310

Objectives On completion of this subject students can expect to be knowledgeable about theoretical ideas, concepts, research techniques and issues in relation to designing, implementing and evaluating human service programs; understand why programs are planned, implemented and evaluated in different ways; be aware of political, organisational, practical and ethical considerations in the development and evaluation of programs.

Synopsis The subject involves the study of the following topics: problem analysis; identification and assessment of needs and solutions; target group identification; predicting the use of services; program values, theory, goals, objectives and activities; monitoring program coverage and implementation; different types of program evaluation; evaluability assessment; planning an evaluation; the use of evaluation findings.

Assessment One written tutorial paper (2000 words) and presentation: 35% - One class test (2 hrs): 35% - Two written reviews of articles (1000 words each): 30%

Recommended texts

Kettner P M and others Designing and managing programs Sage, 1990
McKillip J Need analysis Sage, 1987
Owen J M Program evaluation Allen and Unwin, 1993
Wadsworth Y Everyday evaluation on the run 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, 1997

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