
Human services: history and structures

Not offered in 1999

Subject leader to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be familiar with the development of welfare ideologies from the nineteenth century to the present and the impact of these on the development of social policy; be aware of the historical development, the characteristics of, and the arguments for and against, a welfare state; be familiar with those government and non-government agencies responsible for the provision of human services resources and programs; understand current issues in social policy and practice options in substantive areas including poverty, disability, violence and abuse, unemployment, ageing and families.

Synopsis The history of the development of welfare services in Australia. The present pattern of the distribution of services. Changes in the attitudes underlying the provision of services - from charity to rights and from residual to developmental. The emergence of the welfare state and the subsequent retreat from it. Social policy and its application across a range of welfare issues, including unemployment, community violence and disability.

Assessment Agency analysis (800 words): 15% - Class presentation and report (1500 words): 35% - Letter to editor (500 words): 10% - Submission (1700 words): 40%

Recommended texts

Graycar A and Jamrozik A How Australians live 2nd edn, Macmillan, 1993
Jones M A The Australian welfare state 4th edn, Allen and Unwin, 1996

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