
Ukrainian language II/1A

M Pavlyshyn

4 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: UKR1070 and UKR1080

Objectives Students on completing this subject and UKR2180 should be able to show that they have acquired the ability to discuss topics of moderate complexity at a near-native level, to write freely with the aid of a dictionary utilising a broad range of grammatical constructions, and to translate into Ukrainian texts of moderate difficulty. Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the main grammatical rules, both morphological and syntactic, governing modern Standard Literary Ukrainian.

Synopsis Advanced conversation and composition.

Assessment Examinations (2 hours): 20% - Language Weekly homework: 40% - Two 15-minute class papers: 30% - One oral test (15 minutes): 10%

Prescribed texts

Holoskevych H Pravopysnyi slovnyk any reprint
Podvezko M Ukrainsko-anhliiskyi slovnyk any reprint, 1973
Podvezko M and Balla M English-Ukrainian dictionary Kyiv, 1974

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