
Fieldwork II

Ms D Strong and Dr C Trotter

12 points - 2 hours per week skills practice workshops and seminars - A block placement (practicum) of 14 weeks in an agency arranged by the university - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: SWK3170

Objectives On completion of the skills component, students will have learned through practice, skills related to relationship building, problem analysis and problem solving. On completion of block one placement, students should have learned about social work practice under supervision in an agency setting, where they experienced the reality of social work, and began to develop appropriate professional skills and identity.

Synopsis The development of assessment and planning skills and related issues of practice.

Assessment Written work equivalent to 9000 words - specific details provided in course outlines: 30% - Practicum evaluation: 70% - A pass in both the written assignments and practicum evaluation is required to successfully complete SWK3180

Prescribed texts

Reading lists available from the department

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