
Translation and Translators: Theory and Practice (subject to approval)

Marisa Cordella

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second Semester - Clayton -Prerequisites: SPN 2070 or SPN 3010 and 2290/3290 OR SPN 2070 or SPN 3010 and SPN 3910 or permission from the subject coordinator

Objectives As for SPN3880 with the additional objective of students being asked to have a more extensive socio-cultural understanding of the Hispanic and the English (Australian) world by translating texts which focus on Hispanic and English (Australian) knowledge on society, culture, politics and history. They will be asked to further develop their critical skills on translation by evaluating, improving and developing arguments in relation to the translation at work.

Synopsis As per SPN 3880.
Assessment Mid semester test: 15% - final comprehensive test (3000 words): 30% -2 seminar presentations in the target language: 15% - weekly assessment (readings, homework and translations): 15% - 4 translations (3500 words): 25%. The final comprehensive test for students doing 4th year will be a selection of literary texts and no literary texts to be analysed and translated. This will demand a greater and deeper level of textual analysis than the translation selected for third year students.

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