
Translation and Translators: Theory and Practice

Marisa Cordella

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester- Clayton - Prerequisites: SPN 2070 or SPN 3010 and 2290/3290 OR SPN 2070 or SPN 3010 and SPN 3910 or permission from the subject coordinator

Objectives Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to translate a variety of literary-type texts and non literary-type texts by analysing the text at the socio-cultural and structural levels.

Synopsis This subject aims to examine the art of translating as a representation of a socio-cultural reality. The main focus will be both the understanding of translation as a cross-cultural event (language and culture, system norms, text idioms and metaphors) and the studying of translation as a the textual and language representation (text analysis, interlingual relationship, intention and function). The theoretical platform will be accompanied by the development of translation skills. A mixture of literary-type passages, press documents, scientific sections and government agency materials will form the corpus of texts and will develop students' knowledge of translation. Seminars, group discussions and workshops in translation will be used to develop students' knowledge and further expand translation skills.

Assessment Mid semester test: 15% - final comprehensive test (3000 words): 30% -seminar presentation in the target language: 10% - 4 translations: 30% - weekly assessment (homework and translations - 3000 words): 15%

Prescribed texts

Anthology of articles to be organised within the department

Recommended texts

Child J Introduction to Spanish Translation University Press of America, 1996
Duff A The Third Language: Recurrent problems of translation into English: it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it Pergamon Press, 1981
Hervey Sándor Thinking Spanish Translation: A course in translation method Spanish to English Routledge,1995
Newmark P About Translation Multilingual Matters, 1991
Nord C Text Analysis in Translation. Theory, methodology, and didactic application of a model for translation-oriented text analysis Rodopi, 1991

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