
Koories and social justice

Liz Reed

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: KRS2010 and KRS2020

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students can expect to have developed a thorough understanding of Koorie/Aboriginal issues in regard to the application of British law and social justice, through a study of theories of social justice and how these relate to Aborigines.

Synopsis The subject examines the relationship between social justice and Koorie/Aboriginal rights, focusing on the role of the State and its obligations to the international community; Aboriginal human and civil rights and self-determination; land rights and native title; Aboriginal Sovereignty; and service provision in the areas of health, education, housing and the law. The value of an interdisciplinary approach to these topics is highlighted. The subject is presented in a three-hour seminar.

Assessment Research essay (3000 words): 45% - Seminar paper (2000 words): 25% - Class test (1 hour): 20% - Attendance and participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

A reading pack will be available from the Koorie Research Centre in the seminar in the first week of semester.

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