
Advanced Japanese interpreting

Yoko Pinkerton

12 points -3 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Prerequisites: Completion of JIT5731 or equivalent

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have achieved a high level of competency to be able to provide English- Japanese consecutive interpreting in general areas; and should have a comprehensive understanding of the interpreting profession in Australia and Japan.

Synopsis This subject being the final stage of a series of progressive training is generally only available to students in MA in Japanese interpreting and translation who have achieved high competence in Japanese and English. Topics to be covered for further training in interpreting will have a strong bias towards industry, social structure and working of bureaucracies, tourism, general contemporary affairs, business communication and others. Practice in formulaic language used in speeches and the acquisition of techniques to interpret public speeches will also form an important part of the subject. Further training in note-taking to enable students to interpret speeches of approximately 150 words will be undertaken. Interpreting practice in realistic situations such as simulations with guests, inviting guest speakers and using tapes of actual speeches will be arranged. It is a very intensive subject. Students are expected to spend many hours of practice and study outside of class.

Assessment Assignments: 10% -Mid-semester test (20 minutes for an individual student): 30% -End-of-semester test (30 minutes for an individual student): 60%

Prescribed texts
Gentile A, Ozolins U and Vasilakakos M Liaison interpreting: A handbook MUP, 1996
Pinkerton Y (ed.), Handbook of formal speech for interpreters Monash University Japanese Studies Centre, 1995
Roberts-Smith L, Frey R and Russell-Browne (eds) Working with interpreters in law, health and social work NAATI, 1990

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