
Interpreting B

Yoko Pinkerton

6 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Prerequisites: Monash post-level D Japanese or equivalent

Objectives Students completing this subject should have gained; a higher level of technique needed to provide consecutive interpreting for both dialogue and speech; a higher level of comprehending natural discourses in their B language; theoretical knowledge of some facets of consecutive interpreting.

Synopsis This is the second stage of progressive training in Japanese-English interpreting. The subject consists of two components: practice in consecutive interpreting, and listening comprehension. In the first component, students will practise consecutive interpreting using taped interviews and talks. The development of skills and techniques needed for consecutive interpreting of approximately 100 words will be undertaken. The second component of the subject aims to extend students' listening comprehension of their B language through listening to taped authentic interviews and talks. Topics to be covered in this subject will have an emphasis on industry, business, general contemporary affairs, education, Australia-Japan relations, medicine, tourism etc. Practice in sight translation in both languages will also form an important part of the subject. Students will be introduced to relevant aspects of the theory of English-Japanese consecutive interpreting. Practical applications in this subject also serve as preparation for further studies in JIT5731 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting.

Assessment Assignments: 20% -Mid-semester test (15 minutes for an individual student): 20% -End-of-semester test (30 minutes for an individual student): 60%

Prescribed texts

Reading materials for Interpreting B (available from the department)

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