
Modern Italian literature and society I

R Lampugnani

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites:First-year Beginners Italian or ITA2010, or equivalent knowledge of the language

Objectives Students will have the opportunity to acquire: (i) knowledge of the socio-historic background that inspired neo-realist production in the post-World War Two period; (ii) an appreciation of the significance of popular culture and folklore in this particular cultural production; (iii) an understanding of the nature of narrative and contemporary critical theory.

Synopsis This subject aims at providing an introduction for second-year beginner students to contemporary Italian neo-realist literature through the study of a selection of representative narrative texts and the viewing of two films. The texts will be read in the light of contemporary critical theory, but some attention will also be given to elements of popular culture, folklore and myth.

Assessment Two essays (1500 words): 50% - Examination (2 hours): 35% - Seminar participation: 15%

Prescribed texts

Literature and society I: Anthology of texts Italian Section, Monash U, 1999
Vittorini E Conversazione in Sicilia Einaudi, 1996
Silone I Fontamara Mondadori, 1988

Recommended texts

Levi C Christ stopped at Eboli

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