
Advanced Indonesian, part 2

Barbara Hatley and Yacinta Kurniasih

8 points - 4 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: INM2310

Objectives Students should be able to build upon and consolidate the work completed and skills acquired in INM2310 on successful completion of this subject.

Synopsis This subject is a continuation of INM2310, employing the same class format to focus on a new set of socio-cultural topics as negotiated with students.

Assessment Written exam: 25% - Written and audio-visual projects: 50% - Oral exam: 10% - Class exercises: 15%

Recommended texts

Echols J and Shadily H Kamus Indonesia-Inggris and Kamus Inggris-Indonesia P T Gramedia, latest edition, 1989 and 1995
James Sneddon Indonesian reference grammar Allen and Unwin 1996

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