
Advanced Indonesian, part 1

Barbara Hatley and Yacinta Kurniasih

8 points - 4 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: INM1220

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should have obtained an increased understanding of issues in contemporary Indonesian society, culture and politics, and of the way Indonesian language is used to convey information about and interpretations of these issues. They should also have acquired enhanced skills in listening and comprehending spoken Indonesian language, reproducing appropriate structures and registers of Indonesian language in speaking and writing, and translating from Indonesian to English and vice versa.

Synopsis Passages from Indonesian print media and other sources on selected topics concerning Indonesian society, culture and politics are translated and critically analysed. Audio-video material on these topics is viewed and discussed, and writing tasks related to such topics, using appropriate language registers, are undertaken. Indonesian language is used in all classes.

Assessment Written exam: 25% - Written and audio-visual projects: 50% - Oral exam: 10% - Class exercises: 15%

Recommended texts

Echols J and Shadily H Kamus Indonesia-Inggris and Kamus Inggris-Indonesia P T Gramedia, latest edition, 1989 and 1995
James Sneddon Indonesian reference grammar Allen and Unwin 1996

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