
Advanced ficting writing

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: Two first-year subjects in English and ENH2980

Objectives In this subject students should further develop their skills in writing and editing short stories. They should master a range of fictional voices and approaches to the writing of short fiction.

Synopsis This subject aims to extend and refine students' skills in short story writing and to raise awareness and mastery of elements such as story structure, characterisation, narrative voice and perspective, pace and theme. Editing skills and presentation of manuscripts are part of the syllabus. Students will be encouraged to write stories of publishable standard and to acquaint themselves with a wide range of publishing outlets.

Assessment Workshop participation: 20% Essay on a short story by another student (1500 words): 20% Folio of short stories (4500 words): 60%

Prescribed texts

Gardam J Black faces, white faces Penguin/Abacus
Grenville K The writing book Allen and Unwin
Lord M Best Australian short stories Penguin

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