
Communications and media history

Jenny Hocking and John Arnold

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First or second semester -City

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students are expected to have developed an overview of the communications and media history of Australia; an understanding of the key developments in communications and media in Australia; an ability to analyse significant developments in Australia's communications and media history; and skills in detailed analysis of Australia's communications and media history.

Synopsis as for COM4002.

Assessment (8 points) Major essay (4000 words): 50% -Book review (700 words): 15%Issue study (700 words): 15% -Critique of individual journal (700 words): 15% -Seminar participation: 5%
Assessment (12 points) Research essay (5000 words): 50% -Book review (1300 words): 15%Issue study (1300 words): 15% -Critique of individual journal (1300 words): 15% -Seminar participation: 5%

Preliminary reading

As for COM4002.

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