
Communications and media history

Jenny Hocking and John Arnold

8 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First or second semester -Clayton/City

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students are expected to have developed an overview of the communications and media history of Australia; an understanding of the key developments in communications and media in Australia; and an ability to analyse significant developments in Australia's communications and media history.

Synopsis This subject gives an overview of Australian communications and media history by focussing on developments over three periods - 1831-1920s (dominance of print media); 1920s to 1956 (print and radio); and 1956 to the present (print, radio and television). It looks at how technology and technological advances have influenced and directed the communications and media history of Australia.

Assessment Long essay (4000 words): 50% -Book review (700 words): 15 -Issue study (700 words): 15% -Critique of individual journal (700 words): 15% -Seminar participation: 5%

Preliminary reading

Inglis K This is the ABC MUP, 1983
Souter G A company of heralds MUP, 1981

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