
Ethical issues in patient care

Udo Schüklenk (on campus); Udo Schüklenk (distance education)

8 points -2 hours per week (on-campus students) -First semester -Clayton -Distance education students can take this subject in either semester -Prerequisite: CHB5101 or equivalent

Objectives As for CHB4203, with the additional objective of making informed judgements and be able to defend on the basis of argument, informed judgements about the ethics of certain ways of acting in ethically sensitive areas of patient care.

Synopsis As for CHB4203.

Assessment Essay (1500 words): 20% -Essay (2500 words): 40% -Take-home exam (2000 words): 40% -Distance education students are also required to keep a journal, recording their work for each topic.

Prescribed texts

Beauchamp T L and Childress J F Principles of biomedical ethics 4th edn, OUP, 1994

Recommended texts

Gorovitz S and others (eds) Moral problems in medicine Prentice-Hall, 1983
Kuhse H and Singer P (eds) Companion to bioethics Blackwell, 1998
A book of readings will also be provided by the centre.

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