Justin Oakley (on campus); Justin Oakley (distance education)
12 points -3 hours per week (on-campus students) -First semester -Clayton -Distance education students can take this subject in either semester
Objectives As for CHB4101, with the additional objective of developing a sufficient understanding of long-standing debates about the nature of ethics to provide a basis for forming your own views on these issues.
Synopsis As for CHB4101.
Assessment Essay (2000 words): 20% -Essay (4000 words): 50% -Take-home exam (3000 words): 30% -Distance education students are also required to keep a journal, recording their work for each topic.
Preliminary reading
Charlesworth M Life, death, genes and ethics ABC Books,
Nagel T What does it all mean? OUP, 1987
Prescribed texts
Rachels J The elements of moral philosophy, 2nd edn,
McGraw-Hill, 1993
Singer P Ethics OUP, 1994
Other readings will also be prescribed for each class.
Recommended texts
Scheffler S (ed.) Consequentialism and its critics OUP,
Singer P (ed.) A companion to ethics Blackwell, 1993