
Applied industry research

Jeff Jarvis

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First and second semester -Clayton/City

Objectives Students who successfully complete this subject will have an understanding of various tourism secondary data sources; a broad overview of primary research techniques; interpretation of tourism data; survey questionnaire design; utilising various research methodologies to fit the study; SPSS statistical computer package; representing data visually. Upon completion of this subject students will be familiar with the processes involved in designing a research study to fit the needs of an industry partner.

Synopsis as for ATD4090

Assessment (8 points) Analytical assignment/take home exam (2000 words): 30% -Group research report (4000 words): 50% -Research presentation: 10% -Class participation: 10%
Assessment (12 points) Analytical assignment/take home exam (2000 words): 30% -group research report (6000 words): 50% -Research presentation: 10% -Class participation: 10%

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