
Applied industry research

Jeff Jarvis and Phil Harman

8 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First or second semester -Clayton/City

Objectives Students who successfully complete this subject will have an understanding of various tourism secondary data sources; a broad overview of primary research techniques; interpretation of tourism data; survey questionnaire design; utilising various research methodologies to fit the study; SPSS statistical computer package; representing data visually.

Synopsis This subject considers the role that research plays within the tourism industry. The subject begins by reviewing the existing base of secondary information, including publications such as The International Visitor Survey and the Domestic Tourism Monitor, highlighting how they can be used within the industry. The subject then outlines the methodology utilised in designing both quantitative and qualitative studies and how the results can be interpreted both statistically and graphically.

Assessment Analytical assignment/take home exam (2000 words): 30% -Group research report (4000 words): 50% -Research presentation: 10% -Class participation: 10%

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