
Advertising design 2

6 points - 8 hours and 4 independent study hours per week - First semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: VCO2401 - Corequisites: VCO3105 and PPR4106 - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should demonstrate competence in conceptualising, visualising, copy writing and art direction in the context of advertising; understand and implement research analysis, problem solving, creative teamwork and brief compliance; understand the roles and responsibilities of advertising in society as well as the operations and creative structures of advertising agencies; possess reasoned opinions concerning the ethical calibre of a wide range of historical and contemporary examples of advertising and be able to defend - on moral, economic and ecological grounds - the kind of advertising which they are attempting.

Synopsis Building upon the skills and knowledge acquired in VCO2401 students undertake hypothetical briefs interspersed with actual briefs from advertising representatives. These projects involve press, print, signage and television applications. In addition to facilitating the development of individual skills and advertising abilities, the projects also assist students' development as a vital and contributing member of a creative team. Collaborative projects, tours and seminars provide students with the opportunity to engage productively with the advertising industry. Students are also encouraged to bring depth, social awareness and understanding of the social responsibilities of advertising to their practices.

Assessment Major projects: 60% - Minor projects: 40%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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